Awesome story Donna!! Kinda spooky too! As a biologist I wanna know how that works... your mind knew there was some hidden space there. How? We have proprioception which is an often unconscious or instinctual knowledge of where our body and body parts are in space. And I think we also have a generally untapped location/navigation/space sense. Ever notice how some people have a talent of never getting lost, or always knowing which way to go...? I think your brain unconsciously makes a map of where you have been when you are exploring - like a new house. And if you drew a line tracing your location through the house, it would reveal, for example, the walls (because you never walk through them), it would reveal each room, the doors, and also the secret room because you were never in there... it's a gap bigger than the walls. And I think your location-perception knew about that secret room because of that. And then... If indeed we have a location-sense, where is it located in the brain? Is it related to animal's migratory talents? Can we develop it, train it, improve it? ;). Thanks for sharing your always amazing stories! SD