Commander Tanki Apoo, at ease!
So it appears there are communications here on the status of our frontline troops and one of our heros from the Battle of the Trees:
These casualties here in our Medium front lines are not acceptable. Tanki, I need you to lead a special mission. You must get through to the Commander of the Medium Management Corps, and pee on their legs. They must get the message that maximizing writer income and fighting to keep them in good graces and writing on the front lines is their north star... what each and every one of them should be fighting for, heart and soul. The writers. Sniping them one by one with no warning is the cowards way. So please pass that along Commander Tanki Apoo. Thank you for volunteering for this critical mission.
Hold on, let me scruffle your cheeks before you go, you good Tanki Apoooooo, you're such a goooood booooy. Ahem. Dismissed.