Hey Nuno, great points as usual! I keep using Winston Churchill’s quote about democracy: “… democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried…”
Likewise, fiat currency, or any nationally denominated currency like dollars or yen or yuan, is the worst form of currency except for all those other forms that have been tried…
If you could design a worst form of currency — in my opinion — BTC and the various independent cryptocurrencies is what you’d come up with.
Crypto’s are like saying representative democracy is terrible, so let’s replace it with every duuude for himself, down with ALL central governments, everyone is their own government.
The everyone for themselves is what cryptocurrencies are.
Not a good solution in any way shape or form.
2008 was not caused or exacerbated by central banks — it was totally a creation of unfettered capitalism, the every-duuude-for-himself-and-damn-y’all attitude, from the homeowners/sellers, realtors, appraisers, lenders, and investors. But since that includes all of us regular duuude, we typically don’t like to point the finger at ourselves, and instead point to the boogey man, the central bank, and blame them as the culprit. Unfortunately, the central banks were not the problem — they actually saved us from ourselves.