Apr 12, 2021


Hey Simon, awesome article! Just thinking of neuro (not my thing) in terms of other sciences which have had to adapt as new data arose - like physics describing light in terms of phenomena like vision and color, then diffraction and refraction, then mathematical wave properties, then understanding them from a quantum perspective with both particle and wave properties, and modifying the math again... won't neuro have to do the same? We currently define memory from the perspective of our own perceptions and phenomena... but need to describe mathematically what it it functionally doing - and realizing that in biology there are multiple evolutionary solutions to a problem (like eyes, wings, legs, etc., each independently evolved). A computer's memory can be magnetic, optical, holographic... so why can't biological memory have multiple solutions? Anyways, loooove them slime molds!! ;). SD




Written by ScienceDuuude

Husband, dad, scientist, loves to share sciency stuff and goofiness. Please follow me:

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