2 min readOct 16, 2020


Hi Aurelio! You ask a super tough question on many fronts - but I think the most relevant point is that I am someone who call's himself ScienceDuuude on a free-for-all writer/blogger's paradise where basically any opinion is fair game. Do you think anyone should listen if I did recommend buying TSLA?

The real question for you and others is, are the points I bring up about Tesla's strengths (and weaknesses) as a company accurate - and worthy of your consideration as an investor? Do they line up with your knowledge and opinions? If so or if not, why?

Would I buy TSLA today? Yes, with some caution. I don't trust the market today - I feel it is waaay over-valued and perhaps manipulated considering the person/people in power here in the US (who feels their re-election and manhood are related to the stock market of all things). So I expect a h#ll of a come-to-Jesus moment of redemption for the stock market and we'll lose half the value. Should you listen to me about that too? No way.

But I would buy at a market top - and hold for decades - because I've done that before with the Dot Com Crash in 2001. I've survived that and know buying at a top is not ideal - but if you hold steady and don't panic - you come out fine. I've done the same with the Housing Crash of 2008. I bought at the top, and all the way down (>50% loss in my portfolio peaak to trough)... but I accelerated out of that like a SpaceX rocket because I bought and held. So I've had experiences over decades of recessions, market crashes, dips, and I know ALL of that is noise.

Buy good companies, hold for decades, buy slow (meaning research your companies thoroughly), sell rarely (and always sell your worst investments for needed cash - never sell your best investments ever), and you'll be good for life.

I think that is much more important, relevant, and actionable than a specific stock recommendation from someone named duuude. ;)

Dontcha think?

Best regards and good luck out there,

S. Duuude




Written by ScienceDuuude

Husband, dad, scientist, loves to share sciency stuff and goofiness. Please follow me:

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