Hi Skiddy,
Any time there is a new administration, there are fears. For Biden’s predecessor, most of those fears came to pass, and far more. We are now accelerating way past a quarter of a million American deaths due to his incompetence, lack of responsibility, lack of intervention, action, compassion, and humanity.
What will Biden’s administration bring? Well, good thing we have a lot of experience to rely on - since his picks all have a lot of experience. So you can look up Biden and each of his team members, as I have, and look for yourself to see if there are any war-mongers and hawks among them. Based on those facts, I think fears of war and threats to world peace are not realistic. Wars are already happening around the world right now - including new ones in the Middle East, Africa, Latin and South America, etc… that started on Trump’s watch:
You use the term globalist as if it were derogatory. I live on planet Earth - as I assume you do. What happens on the other side of this world affects me as much as it affects you. When a volcano explodes in the Philippines, we see the effects here… we breathe the dust, ashes, radioactive isotopes, gases… just as if a country in Asia burns fossil fuels, we suffer the climate change and pollution effects. When your neighbor burns toxic chemicals and dumps them in the groundwater that you all tap for your wells, do you say “each person to themselves”? Or do you intervene? Are you a “neighborist”? Of course you are.
When you look at the world from the International Space Station, you see how small the world really is, how thin the atmosphere is… and how illusory the image of the great big world is. We have to be globalist in our concerns and our solutions. We have to be interventionists, rather than sluggish, lazy, and uncaring. That does not mean being a threat to world peace.
An isolationist, nationalist, anti-science tendency, as we have seen for the past four years, is far more lethal to both ourselves and to our neighbors.
Good luck out there duuude - stay safe and healthy, masked and distanced. And Happy Thanksgiving.