I just wanted to bring my response to some wonderful comments by Philippe Collard to the top of the comments here - please scroll down to Philippe's comment to see the whole thread:
Hey Philippe!!
Great comments, I truly appreciate these! Especially that you have worked in the auto industry. For your comments:
1 - the rate of adoption…
The entire supply chain, top to bottom, 99% of their revenues and profits come from ICE vehicles. It is what they know and depend on. They are terrified of what is coming. They are biased.
Look at the actual number of EVs being sold. Then tell me whether the rate of adoption is overstated. Use real numbers, not what people (whose lived depend on the status quo) tell you.
We can argue whether there is low medium or high EV growth rate, but there is another point.
Tesla’s growth rate is an order of magnitude higher than everyone else in the space. Again, there is data you can research and look up. Tesla has had over a decade of double-digit growth, so the arguments you make no longer apply.
2 - there are serious issues…
Yes, weather has an effect on EVs, just as it does on any vehicle. So the engineering you put into the drivetrain is essential. Tesla would not have the insane growth rates and adoption rates in the Nordic countries for years if this was a problem. Talk to Norwegian and Canadian Tesla owners en masse and see what they say. Tesla IS dealing with weather conditions, and that is why their sales keep going up. I live in New England, and see only small changes in performance of my Tesla between summer and winter.
3 - lastly every single OEM…
Have you watched how the sales of all these companies have fared against Tesla for the past several years? GM Volt went nowhere. GM Bolt got destroyed despite a year head start versus the Tesla Model 3. The Audi’s offerings are going nowhere. Why do you think more of these vehicles will change the dynamic?
As a Tesla owner, I can tell you Tesla does have hiccups in their repair supply chain and process, but they are learning extremely quickly and I have no major complaints and I have owned mine since 2016.
I have owned Hondas, Toyotas, and Subarus because “they just work”. Until they don’t. I can tell you, having owned each, that Tesla is by far a much much better car. I have owned Japanese cars starting with Honda since 1989 - pretty close to you.
Philippe, I encourage you to really look at 1. Test driving a Tesla, 2. Talking to Tesla owners, 3. Talking to Tesla suppliers, 4. Talking to Tesla engineers.
There is no guarantee that Tesla will survive. I’m an investor, not a fanboy. But I have as much investing “faith” in Tesla as I have in Apple, Netflix, and Amazon.
Long term, over the next decade, you will see Tesla is an unqualified success compared to any of its competitors, many of whom will not survive (some might even get bought by Tesla). Bitcoin for sure will not be around.
If you have a chance, I address many of these points in my earlier Tesla articles - here are just a couple of them linked for your convenience:
Good luck out there!