Oh, oh, I got it... we can attach drones to each corner of the weighted blanked so when you have to go pee, the drones would lift the blankie up and when you came back they would lower it gently to snuggle you back... oh oh, and we could devise sensors to detect when you had to pee so the drones would automatically activate and lift as that ole bladder started to fill, so you don't have to funble for the remote or pilot the drone or anything... oh, but of course the pee sensor might be a little uncomfortable at first, as you'd have to thread the pipe right up your Erie canal and into the bladder... but ain't engineering great! ;)
I often did feel like that as an engineer in real life, asking, what or who the heck are we designing and making this for? And that I guess is my question for the blanket itself. But I loved your story! Thanks for that! SD