Thank you - I will check it out!
Just so you know, I tend to be a bit of a skeptic on people in general, and I've often found that the smartest people are often the most flawed - so please don't be disappointed if I come back not as enthusiastic as you. ;)
There is a long history of the smartest people doing the worst in the stock market precisely because they thought they could out-smart it... and my hypothesis before I follow up on EW is that he probably does not perform any better in honest investing than the rest of the investing public (if I could quantify it, I say he remains within 3 standard deviations of the mean - if he's beyond those 3 SD, he'd be 1. a real investing genius as you say and 2. fabulously wealthy) .
See what a killjoy I am?? Isn't there a classic SNL skit about that... Your Killjoy, SD