Thanks DSL for reading and supporting — much appreciated! It does seem that Blockbuster couldn’t do anything right — run its own business well, invest in visionary startups, compete against them… fail, fail, fail… I know I always demonize Blockbuster myself (I’m biased — I own NFLX)… but when I think about it, Blockbuster declining to invest in NFLX waaay back then is a clear disaster only in hindsight… that $50M then could be today’s $225B. Carl Icahn was one of the big Blockbuster investors at the time pressuring CEO John Antiocho, neither of whom we can see as being tech visionaries, and even Hastings was trying to sell at the time from the pressures brought on by the Dot-com bust. I’m wondering whether I would have made a better decision if I was the CEO — I invested only starting 2007 long after the pressures of the dot-com bust receded into ancient history. Then again, investing in NFLX was only one path to success — and they failed in all the other ways as you point out. RIP! ;)=)