What a powerful, eloquent speech by AOC - I am ashamed to say I did not see it until now - thank you so much for posting this!
Folks! Why isn't her speech going viral? Is anyone tweeting or re-tweeting her speech? Posting it on Facebook? Emailing their whole contact list? Even if someone else has done so, we each should be doubling up, flooding the interwebs until even the big screen up on Times Square is broadcasting her speech on our broken Senate, on the GOP's abdication of responsibility.
Or at least donate to the Georgia U.S. Senate runoff election campaigns of Democratic candidates Ossoff and Warnock - you can give directly to each on these two sites:
That at least is a very specific and concrete action we can do - please forward those donation links to all your friends and acquaintances - even your mortal enemies. And beg them to donate so AOC never has to give a speech like that again.
Thank you again Jennifer for bringing attention to AOC's powerful speech.