Yeah, I haven't figured out our specific plan for RMDs. I think in general I will be more like you and plan to continue being invested in mostly/all stocks. But... Now that you mention RMDs... my first inclination is to consider those RMDs as short term cash. I obviously need to think about this more. But I'm thinking that anything I plan to spend within 5 years I'll move to more stable investments, whatever those might be: bonds, CDs, treasuries, MMFs, or just cash... So in this model I might budget the next 5 years by selling that budgeted amount of my 401k/Roth stocks and moving those into bonds/CDs/treas - and then do my annual RMDs from those. The idea being, if I see another Trump-like president being elected, I would move perhaps up to 8 years worth of RMDs from stocks to bonds/CDs/treas.