Oct 29, 2020


Y’know, Anthony, those single-celled bacteria-like bugs that opened The Greatest Show on Earth billions of years ago will be the same ones who will close out this show billions of years from now after the sun winks out.

Of course, such a broad, impersonal view is not so attractive. But we need some perspective that is not so painful and embedded in our own heads, and I don’t have a solution (some claim stoicism, some buddhism, some nihilism, some __-ism, is the answer… who knows).

Watching lives being lost to the pandemic from the stupidity of some of our fellow yuuumans is intensely painful, as it makes clear that those bacteria have it better without a brain, that they may be the optimal and perfect life form. It certainly ain’t us…

Sigh… indeed!

I just dropped off my ballot a few minutes ago, and that lifted my spirits. A small positive action. Small donations to different organizations. One bite at a time is the way to eat an elephant, so they say…. Anything to keep moving and delay rigor mortis of the spirits. ;)




Written by ScienceDuuude

Husband, dad, scientist, loves to share sciency stuff and goofiness. Please follow me:

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